Category: Best Practices

Using the main course page to create a compendium of resources

Professor Lee Upton, Lafayette College
Course: Advanced Creative Writing

From a student in Advanced Creative Writing: “Professor Upton uses the Moodle site as a compendium of material to inspire our writing. She has links to dozens of major literary magazines, so that we can log in any time we need some inspiration. She also has links to visual art sites to stimulate us if we start running low on creative juices. In addition, she has posted links to exciting electronic content, like recordings of authors actually reading their work. She has really turned the site into a writer’s resource.”

Using topics format, but adding weekly indicators
Using topics format, but adding weekly indicators

Using layout to reinforce course organization and overall structure

Professor Alex Montgomery, Reed College
Course: Weapons, Technology, and War

I organized POL 359 by topic rather than by week, which allows for more of the course to appear on a screen at any one time; it also exposes the underlying structure of the overall course in a meaningful way and corresponds to how the syllabus itself is organized. The supplemental materials (e.g., Super Ballistics Videos) are grouped together with the relevant parts of the course, and assignments are placed exactly where they are due (e.g., after War at the turn of the Century, but before the next section on War between 1900 and 1945). Additional readings or readings from books that haven’t arrived at the bookstore yet can easily and quickly be posted (e.g., Biddle2004), and important handouts are posted early and prominently in the course (e.g., 01.1-01.2.Posen.graffle.pdf). This also means that when I need to refer back to those handouts I can pull them up on the projector for everyone’s reference rather than having to count on them bringing them to class every day. Similarly, they provide a handy place to store short video clips to be played in class, so I don’t have to bring my laptop: e.g., the Gettysburg videos. Finally, important items that could be changed are placed at the top (Syllabus, Endnote bibliographies, etc.).

Course layout by topic
Course layout by topic

Using a glossary with a custom scale to rate definitions

Professor Michelle Geoffrion-Vinci, Lafayette College
Course: Introduction to Women’s Studies

I teach Spanish, Women’s Studies, first-year seminar and VaST next year, so I am familiar with teaching a language people have no idea about. And women and gender studies is certainly a personal experience, but also a forum, a space, a class to talk and think in but it’s also a language of theory and history, a lot of which is completely unknown to students. And so in the texts we used in class, there was certainly vocabulary and terminology that was defined by someone else, but what I used the glossary for was to have students come up with their own definitions of words we were making use of.

As humanists we sometimes use 10-dollar words when a 5-dollar word would suffice. But I’m in the business of thinking about 10-dollar words, so I wanted my students to think about 10-dollar words and offer them with a rebate to their classmates. So now we have a way to keep track of the 10-dollar words they found useful or new, and these led to discussion in class.

To do this, I created two class glossaries to separate the sections of content we were covering, and students were asked at several times during the semester to submit entries to the appropriate glossary.

I also posted a Word document that is essentially a glossary criteria: here are my expectations, define the term and define it in the following way, and provide the citation if you’re citing directly. They were also allowed to use their own definitions where appropriate. We added definitions several times throughout the course, and had an extensive set of glossaries by the end of the semester.

You can rate definitions and add comments, and I choose to use a custom scale to rate these check, check plus and check minus, and also added comments where appropriate.

Using the Glossary Feature for Languages Across the Curriculum

Cindy Evans, Director, Foreign Language Resource Center and Lecturer in French, Skidmore College

Skidmore’s model of LAC offers students the possibility of reading in the target language in conjunction with virtually any other course they are taking in English.  This individualized LAC model allows us to reach a wider student population than the more common model in which only certain courses carry a LAC component. The resulting “course,” essentially a group of students conducting independent studies, presents a challenge for curricular design. My approach to “teaching” the French LAC course has been to bring students’ work into a single forum through the use of moodle both in and outside of the classroom. Students submit weekly summaries and selected translations of their readings in the wiki to facilitate real-time revision in class.

We make use of the glossary feature in Moodle so that each student contributes vocabulary items that result in the building of a collective class glossary.


While students are not responsible for learning all of the material, they do see other students’ entries that are featured on the main page in the block that displays randomized glossary entries.

Random glossary entry block

This option is a useful feature to include on the main page, along with the RSS feeds for French news that encourage students to read in the target language and keep up with current events in France, which we discuss in our weekly LAC sessions.

RSS feeds of French news
RSS feeds of French news

Pre-exam question forum

Professor Jennifer Talarico, Lafayette College
Course: Cognitive Psychology

An ongoing pre-exam question forum was maintained where students were encouraged to post questions they had while preparing for an exam. I would answer questions posted prior to 10 p.m. the night before an exam. Anything posted after 10 p.m. would be answered after the exam.

They would ask questions and I could respond as the instructor such that maybe another student didn’t even realize they had that question or were confused about a particular topic. They got in a habit of checking this, and they would post here rather than emailing me. I found this easy, and it kept everything contained and saved me from answering the same or similar questions multiple times.

Another thing that’s really nice is that when I teach this course again next year, and I know the types of things that are easily confused and maybe I can rephrase or reframe them in lecture. I can maintain these forums over time and create a shorthand FAQ that students in future classes can benefit from.

Pre-exam question forum
Pre-exam question forum