
Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is made up of seven CLAMP members, representing seven North American, four year, residential, liberal arts colleges as geographically diverse as possible. Membership is rotated over three years (2-2-3), with the first rotation taking place June 2010.

The current steering committee consists of:

  • Beloit College
  • Carleton College
  • Centre College
  • Hampshire College
  • Kenyon College
  • Smith College
  • Wesleyan University

Members serve three year terms and are responsible for:

  • Making final decisions regarding direction, priorities, and focus, with input from CLAMP members.
  • Administering any general fund, policy decisions, and necessary overhead.
  • Maintaining community tools as necessary.
  • Publicizing the finished product of any project within CLAMP.
  • Coordinating our efforts with the larger community.
  • Meeting monthly via video conferencing.
  • The CLAMP funding model, including membership fees and grant applications.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee is a standing committee of CLAMP charged with managing the organization’s web presence, including the website, social media, and discussion channels such as the CLAMP Moodle Exchange and Slack.

The committee is composed of three or more individuals who serve one-year terms that run from July 1-June 30.  Anyone from a CLAMP institution may volunteer to serve on the committee. The Steering Committee confirms all volunteers.

There are four specific roles within the committee:

  • Committee chair – organizes committee meetings.
  • Website content owner – responsible for managing the website and working with the community to create and update its content.
  • Social media content owner – responsible for managing the Twitter account and fostering community conversations via the service.
  • Web analytics content owner – responsible for managing CLAMP’s Google Analytics and Tag Manager accounts, developing metrics to track progress toward goals, and providing reports on site performance.

A committee member may have multiple roles. The committee must meet once per semester (spring and fall) to discuss strategy. The committee should provide an annual summary report documenting the committee’s goals, metrics that capture progress toward those goals, and notable updates.