CLAMP considering hosting a Ruby workshop at Lafayette College October 23 – 25, 2012. The goals of the workshop will be to introduce the Ruby language and ecosystem as a platform for both web and system utility development, and to work on one or two projects as a group. We’ll spend time discussing some of Ruby’s interesting properties and idioms and look at Rails and the practices and conventions that it promotes.
The most promising candidates for group work are projects that have been discussed considerably within CLAMP: automated testing and deployment systems. We hope to develop a deployment tool of real-world utility by the end of the workshop, and to build on the Moodle testing framework we began developing at Kalamazoo in June.
The workshop would be free and open CLAMP members. Attendees would pay for their own lodging, food, and transportation, although breakfast and lunch would be provided.
We’re currently assessing interest in the workshop. We need a minimum of 6 attendees to hold this workshop and registration is capped at 15 attendees. If you are interested in attending please fill out this survey:
Responses to this survey will determine whether we hold the workshop.