- Moodle version: 1.9
- Developed at: Hack/Doc Fest I at Lafayette College
- Contact: Caroline Moore, Smith College
This manual script is used to verify that everything works the way we expect it to work when a new version of Moodle is release. It walks through the major areas of Moodle (assignments, forums, gradebooks, etc.) We have tried to cover everything, but you will need to tweak this document to fit your specific institution.
I. As an Administrator
A. Create user accounts and courses
1. Create testing course
a. Test settings: format, number of weeks/topics, hidden sections, (show grades)
2. Create a teacher test account
a. Enroll teacher test account in test course
3. Create student test account(s)
a. Enroll student test account(s) in test course
B. Feedback
1. Create a feedback activity at the top-most level page of Moodle (e.g., http://moodle.school.edu)
b. Include a question of each type.
II. As A Teacher
- Log out as Administrator.
- Log in as Teacher.
- Test all of the following:
A. Resources
1. Link to file
a. upload files
i. word doc, excel file, pdf, ppt, jpg
ii. if applies: kml, mp3, stata, spss, mathmatica
c. add resource link
d. open from course page
2. link to web site
a. add URL
b. open from course page
3. compose a text page
a. type content using WYSIWYG editor
b. copy/paste some content from Word
c. save page
d. view page
4. compose a web page
a. type content using WYSIWYG editor
b. copy/paste some content from Word
c. save page
d. view page
5. insert a label
a. add a label using WYSIWYG editor
b. check view on course page
6. display a directory
a. create folder in files area
b. add two or three files
b. add directory to course page
c. open directory and assure files are there and can be opened
7. Add an IMS Content package
a. test if applicable
B. Activities
I. Core
1. Assignment: Advanced uploading of files
a. Add assignment (use defaults- set available from and due date)
b. Add assignment and disable available from and due date settings
2. Assignment: Online text
a. Add assignment (use defaults- set available from and due date)
b. Add assignment and disable available from and due date settings
c. Add assignment and use default plus comment inline as YES
3. Assignment: Upload a single file
a. Add assignment (use defaults – set available from and due date)
b. Add assignment and disable available from and due date settings
4. Assignment: Offline activity
a. Add assignment (use defaults – set available from and due date)
b. Add assignment and disable available from and due date settings
5. Chat
a. Create a chat room (use defaults)
6. Choice
a. Create choice – defaults, 3 choices
b. Create choice –
i. enable limit responses
ii. add 3 fields to form
ii. give 7 choices and limit all to 1
iii. display vertically
iv. allow choice to be updated
v. rest are defaults
c. Create choice –
i. enable limit responses
ii. give 3 choices and limit first to 1, second to 2 and third to 3
iii. set to always show results
iv. show full results
v. show column for unanswered
7. Database
a. Add database (use defaults)
b. Add database (enable & set available from/to and viewable from/to dates)
c. Add database (enable comments and require approval)
d. Other options (test if needed):
– Required entries
– Entries required before viewing
– Maximum entries
– RSS articles
e. Test these settings later as a student; described later.
8. Forum
a. Standard forum for general use – defaults
i. add forum
ii. make an initial post (discussion topic)
b. Single simple discussion
i. add forum
aa. turn on ratings, and set to 10pts
ii. make an initial post (discussion topic)
c. Each person posts one discussion
i. add forum
aa. turn on ratings, and set to custom scale “checks”
ii. make an initial post (discussion topic)
d. Q&A
i. add forum
ii. make an initial post (add question)
9. Glossary
a. Add Glossary (defaults)
b. Add Glossary (duplicated entries allowed, allow comments on entries, NOT approved by default)
c. Other options to test: Various display formats, show ‘special,’ show ‘alphabet,’ show ‘all,’ edit always, ratings
10. Lesson
11. Quiz
a. Set up a test question set – at least one of each question type, include pictures in questions and answers
b. Add Quiz (defaults), add test question set
c. Add Quiz (1 attempt, not adaptive, “students may review”)
d. Other options to test: secure window, grading mode, penalties, each attempt builds on the last, decimal digits in grades,
12. SCORM/AICC – allows you to import pre-created SCORM packages
13. Survey – pre-built surveys to let students rate courses.
14. Wiki
a. Add Wiki (defaults)
b. Other options, if used: Test combinations of Type/Group mode options (click ? to see matrix).
15. Workshop
a. Add Workshop (set submission start/end and assessment start/end)
II. Add-on Activities
1. Feedback
a. add feedback activity
b. add one questions for each type
Multiple choice – multiple answers
Multiple choice – single answer allowed (dropdownlist)
Dropdownlist (rated)
Numeric answer
Multiple choice – single answer
Radiobutton (rated)
Longer Text Answer
Short Text Answer
c. save as template
2. Scheduler
a. add scheduler
students register for one appointment
slot duration: 30
add slots
add single slot
delete a slot
b. schedule 2 students to existing slots
c. schedule 1 student and create new slot for them
d. remove someone from a slot
C. Blocks and Modules
I. Standard Blocks
1. Activities
a. Create a few activities if none are created.
b. Insert this block to ensure the activities from the course display within this block.
2. Admin bookmarks (this is for Admin accounts)
a. If using this block, ensure your administrative bookmarks still display. This only applies to bookmarks tagged within Moodle by an administrator.
3. Administration
4. Blog Menu
b. Click the “Add a new entry” link to create a new blog entry.
c. Include a few tags with the entry and be sure to choose “Anyone on this site” from the Publish to drop down menu.
d. Save the blog entry and add 5 more short entries. Repeat including at least one of the same tags in each entry.
e. Return to the Blog Menu block.
f. Click the “Blog preferences” to change the number of blog entries per page to something other than what is listed.
g. Return to the Blog Menu block.
h. Click the “View my entries” to see the entries you created. Verify you are able to see only 5 entries.
i. Return to the Blog Menu block.
j. View course entries link (this displays entries from users within the course)
5. Blog Tag
a. Verify that the blog tags listed in the Blog Tag block are clickable and will display the blog entries associated with the selected tag.
6. Calendar
a. Does the calendar display? If not, insert the Calendar block.
b. Create a:
i. User event
ii. Group event for group (this will require the test course to have some groups established)
iii. Course event
iv. Site event – this is synonymous with Global Events and can only be created by Admin accounts.
c. Click on the different calendar filters to verify the event filter types work.
7. Course/Site Description
a. After adding this block, click the edit icon. This will lead to the Course Summary page.
b. Change the course description and return to the course home page to verify the Course Summary block updated.
8. Courses
a. Verify that the courses your teacher role is associated with display within the block and that the list is accurate.
9. Global Search
a. Global search is an experimental option that needs to be enabled from the Moodle administrative level. It allows for searching among all Moodle courses.
b. If Global Search is enabled, then add the Global Search block.
10. HTML
a. Click the edit icon to configure the block.
b. Provide a block title and some test content within the editor. Include a hyperlink and image.
11. Latest News
a. Click the “Add a new topic…” link to create a new event.
b. Provide a Subject and Message. Include a hyperlink, image, and an attachment.
c. Return to the block to verify the new event displays first.
12. Loan Calculator
a. Test the fields and calculate.
13. Mentees
a. Test if applicable.
14. Messages
a. If the Messages feature is used, add the Message block.
b. Verify that new messages display within the block.
c. Verify the “Messages…” link to the messages works.
15. Network Servers
a. Test if applicable.
16. Online Users
b. Add this block to verify that the other user is listed in the block.
17. People
a. Click the “Participants” link to see the students and faculty roles assigned earlier.
b. Verify that the “Current role” filter works.
18. Quiz Results
a. If there are no quizzes within the course then this block should display the error, “There is an error right now with this block: you need to select which quiz it should display results from.”
b. Create a quiz with a few questions if there are none.
c. Edit the Quiz Results block preferences. After some student roles have taken the quiz, re-edit preferences in other various combinations to test display.
19. Random Glossary Entry
a. Create a glossary with at least 2 entries unless you already have one.
b. Add the Random Glossary Entry block.
c. Edit this block to display a specific glossary and make other changes.
d. Check that a random entry displays.You might want to check this again based on the frequency the randomization is set to occur.
20. Recent Activity
a. Add the block and verify that some activity has occurred.
b. Verify the “Full report of recent activity…” link displays the full report of activity.
21. Remote RSS Feeds
a. Create the block and add an RSS feed from another site.
22. Search Forums
a. Post several entries to a forum if you haven’t done so already.
23. Section Links
a. After adding the block, verify that the number of links in the block matches the number of sections in the course.
24. Upcoming Events
b. Test the two links (Go to calendar… and New Event…) at the bottom of this block, to ensure they point to the proper location.
II. Add-on Blocks
1. Feedback
b. Check that the feedback activity created earlier on the top-most level Moodle page is accessible through this block.
2. Quickmail
a. Add this block.
b. Compose a message. Verify that the group names established earlier display with the appropriate members. If the roles listed in the course have active and reviewable email addresses, send the message to a number of the roles.
c. Verify the message was stored in the Quickmail history.
d. Check some of the email accounts to verify the message was received.
e. If other roles (e.g., students) are permitted to use Quickmail, then test that the Quickmail Group settings (No groups, Separate groups, and Visible groups) work.
- Log out as Teacher.
- Log into Moodle as a test student account.
- Test all of the following:
A. Resources
1. Link to file (software-specific icons, e.g. Word, Excel, PDF)
a. Click on all file links. Open and test.
2. Link to web site (earth on a page icon)
a. Click on all web links.
3. Composed text page (page with text icon)
a. Click on all text page links.
4. Composed web page (page with text icon)
a. Click on all composed web pages.
5. Label
a. No testing necessary. Take a coffee break!
6. Display a directory (folder icon)
a. Click on the displayed directory. Make sure it opens and the files are viewable.
(7. Add an IMS Content package)
a. test if applicable to your institution.
B. Activities
I. Core
1. Assignment: Advanced uploading of files
a. Click on each assignment of this type and submit a test file.
2. Assignment: Online text
a. Click on each assignment of this type and paste in test text.
3. Assignment: Upload a single file
a. Click on each assignment of this type and submit a test file.
4. Assignment: Offline activity
a. You don’t need to do anything with this. Get up and stretch your legs!
5. Chat
a. Click on the Chat. Go into the room and type some test messages.
6. Choice
a. In first sample Choice activity, select one of the choices and submit.
b. In second sample Choice activity:
i. Select one choice and submit. (Your choice should now be marked “Full”)
ii. Select a different choice and submit. (Your old choice should no longer be marked “Full,” but your new choice should)
c. In third sample Choice activity:
i. Select one choice and submit. (The “question” should disappear, and your test student account should appear in one of the response columns below.)
7. Database
a. Complete each of the three databases.
8. Forum
a. Standard forum for general use – defaults
i. Make a post to the forum. Edit it, delete it.
ii. Make another post to the forum. Reply to it.
b. Single simple discussion
i. Make a post to the forum. Edit it, delete it.
ii. Make another post to the forum. Reply to it.
c. Each person posts one discussion
i. post an initial discussion post (click “Add a new discussion topic”)
ii. go back and see that your option to “Add a new discussion topic” is no longer there.
iii. reply to an existing post
d. Q&A
i. post an initial discussion post (click “Add a new discussion topic”)
ii. reply to an existing post
iii. go back and see other replies to that topic.
iv. If there are no other replies:
– log into the test course as a different test student
– Click on the same existing post.
– See that you cannot see the existing reply.
– Post your own reply, and see that you can see the previously existing reply.
9. Glossary
a. Glossary (defaults)
i. Add a new glossary entry
ii. Click “browse by category” tab and add a new category
iii. Edit your glossary entry and change its category and/or other data.
b. Add Glossary (duplicated entries allowed, allow comments on entries, NOT approved by default)
i. Add a new glossary entry. (It should not appear, since it needs to be approved.)
ii. Add a duplicate entry.
iii. Comment on an entry.
c. Other options to test: Various display formats, show ‘special,’ show ‘alphabet,’ show ‘all,’ edit always, ratings
10. Lesson
a. Lesson
i. Work through the lesson. Answer some questions correctly and some incorrectly.
11. Quiz
a. Set up a test question set – at least one of each question type, include pictures in questions and answers
b. Add Quiz (defaults), add test question set
c. Add Quiz (1 attempt, not adaptive, “students may review”)
d. Other options to test: secure window, grading mode, penalties, each attempt builds on the last, decimal digits in grades,
12. SCORM/AICC – allows you to import pre-created SCORM packages
a. Test if your institution uses them.
13. Survey – pre-built surveys to let students rate courses. (Not modifiable)
a. Test if your institution uses them.
14. Wiki
a. Add Wiki (defaults)
i. Add a wiki page with:
– link to another wiki page
– link to an external webpage
ii. Edit a wiki page.
b. Other options, if used: Test combinations of Type/Group mode options (click ? to see matrix).
15. Workshop
a. Workshop (set submission start/end and assessment start/end)
i. Upload a file.
ii. Log in as another student and upload a file.
iii. After the submission end time, make sure you are assigned another student’s file to peer review.
C. Blocks and Modules
I. Standard Blocks
1. Activities
a. Verify activities appear in this block.
2. Admin bookmarks (this is for Admin accounts)
a. Verify that this block should not appear for student.
3. Administration
4. Blog Menu
c. Save the blog entry and add 5 more short entries. Repeat including at least one of the same tags in each entry.
d. Return to the Blog Menu block.
e. Click the “View my entries” to see the entries you created. Verify you are able to see only 5 entries.
f. Return to the Blog Menu block.
g. View course entries link (this displays entries from users within the course)
h. View site entries link (this displays entries from everyone on the course)
5. Blog Tag
a. Verify that the blog tags listed in the Blog Tag block are clickable and will display the blog entries associated with the selected tag.
6. Calendar
a. Create a user event.
b. Click on the different calendar filters to ensure the event filter types work.
7. Course/Site Description
a. Verify that the Course Description displays.
8. Courses
b. Verify that the link “All courses…” points to the right location.
9. Global Search
a. Global search is an experimental option that needs to be enabled from the Moodle administrative level.
a. Verify that the HTML block created by the teacher role displays properly.
11. Latest News
a. Verify that the Latest News block displays content created by the teacher role.
12. Loan Calculator
a. Test the fields and calculate.
13. Mentees
a. Test if applicable.
14. Messages
a. Login to two separate browsers as two separate students.
b. Send a message from one student to another using the Message block.
c. Go to the other student’s course (the other browser) to verify that the message displayed.
d. Reply to the original student sender.
e. Check that the original sender received the reply message.
15. Network Servers
a. Test if applicable.
16. Online Users
a. Login to two separate browsers as two separate students.
b. Check that each student is able to see the other one listed in the Online Users block.
17. People
a. Click the “Participants” link to see the students and faculty roles assigned earlier.
b. Verify that the “Current role” filter works.
18. Quiz Results
b. Login as each of the students listed in the test course and take the quiz assigned by the teacher role to display within the Quiz Results block.
c. heck that the results display as intended.
19. Random Glossary Entry
a. Verify that this displays. You might want to check this again based on the frequency the teacher role set the randomization to occur.
20. Recent Activity
a. Verify the “Full report of recent activity…” link displays the full report of activity.
21. Remote RSS Feeds
a. Verify the feeds established by the teacher role display as configured.
22. Search Forums
a. Post several entries to a forum if you haven’t done so already.
23. Section Links
a. Verify that the number of links in the block matches the number of sections in the course.
b. Click the links to verify they correlate with the appropriate section in the course.
24. Upcoming Events
b. Test the two links (Go to calendar… and New Event…) at the bottom of this block, to ensure they point to the proper location.
II. Add-on Blocks
Logout as a student and login as a teacher to test the following:
1. Feedback
a. Verify that the Feedback activity created on the top-most level Moodle page is visible within the Feedback block.
b. Complete the Feedback activity.
2. Quickmail
a. For those allowing students access to use Quickmail, test that mail can be sent.
b. Also test that the Quickmail group settings are working properly.
A. Resources
1. Nothing at this point.
B. Activities
I. Core
1. Assignment: Advanced uploading of files
a. Verify uploaded files are visible and downloadable.
b. Reply to the test student with a comment as well as a modified version of the original upload.
b. Provide a grade for each student.
2. Assignment: Online text
a. Verify the assignment was saved.
b. Provide a grade and a comment for each student.
3. Assignment: Upload a single file
a. Verify uploaded file is visible and downloadable.
b. Provide a grade and a comment for each student.
4. Assignment: Offline activity
a. Provide a grade and a comment for each student.
5. Chat
a. Verify that the past chats are viewable.
6. Choice
a. Verify that all Choice selections were saved.
7. Database
a. Verify that the data that was submitted is stored.
b. Check that the default and modified settings worked as intended.
8. Forum
a. Standard forum for general use – defaults
i. Nothing to do here.
b. Single simple discussion
i. Rate the posts.
ii. Verify that the grades were inserted.
c. Each person posts one discussion
i. Rate the posts.
ii. Verify that the custom scale grades were inserted.
d. Q&A
i. Nothing to do here.
9. Glossary
a. Grade the glossary entries setup to be rated.
b. Verify that the grades were inserted.
10. Lesson (FINISH)
11. Quiz
a. Verify that the quiz submissions were submitted and graded properly.
13. Survey – pre-built surveys to let students rate courses. (Not modifiable)
a. Test if your institution uses them.
15. Workshop
a. Grade each workshop submission.
C. Blocks and Modules
1. Administration (FINISH)
Ensure all of the links within this block are not broken.
Change the Format to something different.
Add an enrollment key and test it as a new Student.
Assign Roles
If you were able to create new users as part of this the Initial Setup then this is complete.
Groups: create a group, add users to it, assign Groups to a block or activity that allows it (like a Forum) and test that that the group appears in the posting.
Backup: Back up a course. Make a few obvious changes in the course, in the News Forum at the top for example.
Restore: Restore the recent backup of the course. Note if the course is the version as it appeared before your latest backup.
Import: Create a resource or activity in another test course (like a Glossary) and import it to the current course.
Reset: add an activity and resource to a test course and reset the course.
Report: create a report, change two or three criteria, and check that they display correctly.
Questions: Create three or four questions in the bank and then create a Quiz and pull two questions from the Question Bank.
Scales: Add a new Scale set and test it in one of the items that support it (like a Forum).
Files: Create a folder and upload at least one file to it.
Grades: set up assignments, return to them as a student, interact to submit for grading.
Unenrol: change to the Student role, un-enroll the Student
2. Feedback
a. Verify that the data submitted by the student role was stored in the top-most level Moodle page Feedback settings.
V. AS OTHER ROLES (e.g., Teacher, Guest, custom roles)
Copy and paste the above sections and modify as necessary.