Moodle 1.9.9+LAE v1.1 Beta 3 released

The Moodle 1.9.9+Liberal Arts Edition v1.1 Beta 3 is available for download. This is a beta release meant for testing only; it is not recommended for use on production systems. The Beta 3 release includes some hack/doc developed refinements to the gradebook’s administration settings (MDL-22931, MDL-22928) and a new graphic for TinyMCE’s “Insert File” icon.

  • Code freeze was 6/29/2010
  • Beta 1 released on 6/26/2010
  • Beta 2 was released on 7/2/2010
  • Beta 3 was released on 7/14/2010
  • The final version will be released on 7/15/2010

This version of the LAE incorporates a number of bug fixes and new features developed at Hack/Doc Fest VI at DePauw University. We need help testing these features and verifying that they work for you.

Please post feedback as a comment on the project page. CLAMP members can post feedback to the Moodle 1.9.9+LAE v1.1 Beta 3 thread in the Redmine forum.